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亚马逊上线Exclusives 频道, 汇集创意产品,要..

Amazon online collection of Exclusives channel, creative products, to..

2015-03-12 11:06:21来源: IB资讯

随着创客运动兴起,出现了大量的创意产品。不过购买渠道往往还是众筹平台或者官网。前者购买流程复杂,等待周期长;后者被消费者发现的几率又太小。好消息是,最近亚马逊上线了新频道Amazon Exclusives(亚马逊独家),选取有潜力的新兴商家,销售其商品。 从官网来看,目前销售的产品主...

with creating movement, the emergence of a large number of creative products. But the purchase channels is often crowdfunding platform or the official website. The former purchase process complex, long; the latter likely be consumers found too small. The good news is, Amazon online new channel Amazon Exclusives (Amazon Exclusive), select the emerging business potential, the sales of its goods. From the official point of view, the current sales of main products...