新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《劲舞团》喊你回家 老友召回活动开启

《劲舞团》喊你回家 老友召回活动开启

"Dance mission" calling you home friends recall activities open

2015-10-21 17:13:07来源: 17173

你可能因为生活太忙,很久没有再打开《劲舞团》的登录器,你可能因为世界太大,在其他游戏的世界迷失了自己,你可能正在想念“劲舞家族”中与你一起热舞的伙伴,你可能离重新登录《劲舞团》只差一个理由。现在《劲舞团》老友召回活动正式,老朋友们回来吧! 老友情未变 上线即有礼 凡是近期未曾上线的...

you may because of the busy life, haven't opened the "dance mission" login, you may be because the world is too big, in other games of the world lost myself, you may miss dance family and you dance partner, you may with only a reason to re login "dance mission". Now the "dance mission" friends recall activities officially, old friends come back! The situation has not changed that polite on-line friends who were not recently on the line...