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《80天环游世界》开发商新作曝光 《苍穹》带你再续奇幻冒险之旅

"80 days to travel around the world" developers new exposure "sky" take you to renew the fantasy adventure

2017-03-01 13:56:50来源: 任玩堂

曾推出《80天环游世界》与《巫术》系列精品的 Inkle 工作室一直都很擅长利用叙事手段来推进游戏发展,日前该工作室就曝光了最新作 Heaven’s Vault 《苍穹》(暂译)的消息,为奇幻冒险游戏大军再添一员。《80天环游世界》与《巫术》系列Inkle 透露,游戏的故事发生在一个流经两个月亮之间的河流流域中,没有人知道星云是如何形成的。而流域内荒无人烟的废墟正掩埋着某种惊人的真相,玩家需要帮助导游主角 Aliya“El”Elsara 以及她的机器人助理 Six 穿过星云,解开出最终的谜题。《苍穹》会涉及学习和翻译星云古人的语言,玩家将在其中面临各种选择,成为善良的侦探还是爱搞恶...

Launched "80 days to travel around the world" and "magic" series products of Inkle studio has always been very good at using the narrative means to promote the development of the game, the studio was exposed by the latest Heaven & # 8217; S Vault of the sky "(n), as a member of a fantasy adventure game force added. "80 days to travel around the world" and "magic" series of Inkle, according to the story of the game in a flowing river basin between two moons, no one know how nebula is formed. And basin are desolate ruins a startling truth, players need to help guide star Aliya "El" Elsara and her assistant Six robots through the nebula, solve the puzzle finally. "Sky" will involve nebula ancient language learning and translation, in which players will face all kinds of choices, become a kind of detective still love make evil...