新关注 > 信息聚合 > 资本全力押注在线教育,“AI+教育”或成下一风口


Capital to bet on the online education, or "AI + education" as the next tuyere

2018-06-22 19:25:00来源: 品途网


On June 21, children's English online brand VIPKID confirm $500 million D + round of financing, the financing Coatue by the investment management institution, tencent, sequoia capital China, which brought together. VIPKID founder and CEO of m Vivian yun said the funding will be mainly used for recruiting foreign technology and products, reserve talents of North America and global business layout from three aspects. It is worth noting that, according to media public data statistics in the first half of 2018 China K12 education sector finance is about $1.5 billion, total VIPKID a raised then take up about a third, plus $200 million in August last year D round, VIPKID financing in less than a year of $700 million, and breaking the two highest record of financing in the field of online education. The capital market to give VIPK...

标签: AI