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来自末日的召唤 《黎明狙击手》评测

From the end of the call, "dawn sniper," the evaluation of

2015-09-30 16:34:57来源: 4399

狙击手向来都是一个神秘的职业,他们隐藏在黑暗之中,在敌人最不经意的时候,给予致命一击。今天小编要为大家介绍的这款射击游戏《黎明狙击手》中,我们就将成为一位狙击手,任务就是在僵尸病毒泛滥的末日时代保护远处的幸存者不被僵尸所袭击,他们的性命将完全掌握在你的手里。 游戏以末日时代为故事背景,...

sniper has always been a mystery, they hide in the dark, the most casual in the enemy, to give a fatal blow. Today, a small series to introduce the shooting game, "dawn sniper", we will become a sniper, the task is in the end of the era of zombie virus spread to protect distant survivors are not killed by the zombie attack, their lives will be completely in your hands. The game takes the end times as the story background,...