新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《全境封锁2》技能BUG很严重 育碧将在本周修复

《全境封锁2》技能BUG很严重 育碧将在本周修复

Across the block 2 skills BUG is severe ubisoft will fix this week

2019-03-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

3月19日,育碧发布了《全境封锁2》的新更新补丁,旨在修复上线以来最严重干扰游戏体验的BUG:技能的无效bug,该bug会导致比如机枪、无人机等技能使用后凭空报销,随后技能进入15s冷却。根据更新日志所述,该问题被精准的定位解决。但是在最新的社区帖子中,社区经理又出面警告该问题可能仍然存在直到周末被彻底根除。 “特工们,我们已经发现了几个问题,这些问题将导致技能凭空消失,并进入15s冷却。我们的开发团队在周末和整个今天都在努力工作来寻求解决方法。我们将通过19日的简短维护来初步解决这个bug,此次维护停机服务器15分钟,从维护后开始,玩家应该会很少碰到这些问题了。” 根据报告,Bug...

On March 19, ubisoft released across block 2 new update patch, aimed at repairing since the most serious interference BUG in the game experience: the skills of invalid BUG, the BUG can cause such as machine guns, unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) skills such as using after reimbursement out of thin air, cool then skills into 15 s. According to the update log, this problem solved by precise positioning. But in the new post, community managers and to warn the issue could still exist until the weekend is completely eradicated. "The agents, we have found several problems, these problems will lead to skill disappear, and into the cool 15 s. Our development team on the weekend and in the whole today work hard to seek solutions. We will through 19 short maintenance to preliminary solve this bug, the maintenance of server downtime for 15 minutes, since after maintenance, players should be rarely encounter these problems." According to the report, the Bug...