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在线教育独角兽VIPKID全球走红 创始人现身美国顶级峰会

Online education Unicorn VIPKID, founder of the world's top American Summit

2017-09-21 16:38:35来源: DoNews

9月18日,2017年美国Tech Crunch大会在美国旧金山隆重开幕。据悉,本届大会将持续三天,期间,来自中国的在线少儿教育平台VIPKID,凭借三年跑出行业“独角兽”的创业奇迹,其创始人兼CEO米雯娟代表中国企业家受邀参会并发表演讲。作为全球科技创新领域最权威、最知名的行业峰会,Tech Crunch大会每年都会吸引全球科技创新领域最前沿的企业参会。本届大会更是吸引了来自苹果、谷歌、Facebook、腾讯等全球知名企业的各路精英前来共同探讨科技领域最前沿的技术与具有重大影响力的科技创新。VIPKID创始人兼CEO米雯娟(左2)作为唯一的中国女创业家受邀参加Tech Crunch大会并发表...

In September 18th, the United States Tech Crunch Conference opened in San Francisco, United States, in 2017. It is reported that this session will last for three days. During this period, VIPKID, an online children's education platform from China, has been invited to attend the meeting and give a speech on behalf of Chinese entrepreneurs on behalf of Chinese entrepreneurs who have run away from the industry "unicorn" in three years. Mi Wenjuan, CEO. As the most authoritative and well known industry summit in the field of global technology innovation, Tech Crunch conference attracts every year the forefront of global technology innovation. This session is attracting more elites from apple, Google, Facebook, Tencent and other world-renowned enterprises to explore the most cutting-edge technologies and significant technological innovation in the field of science and technology. VIPKID founder and CEO Mi Wenjuan (left 2), as the only Chinese female entrepreneur, was invited to participate in the Tech Crunch conference and published...