新关注 > 信息聚合 > 惠普前女CEO正式竞选美国总统


Former HP CEO female official US presidential campaign

2015-05-05 19:00:28来源: 中国网

惠普前CEO卡莉-菲奥莉娜(Carly Fiorina)刚刚正式宣布,将竞选2016年的美国总统。 这使她成了共和党唯一的女性候选人。菲奥莉娜将自己定位为保守派,对希拉里持高度批评立场。 菲...

Former HP CEO Carly - Carly Fiorina (Carly Fiorina) has just officially announced the 2016 US presidential election. This made her the only female Republican candidates. Fiorina is positioning itself as conservative, Hillary holding highly critical stance. Philippines ...