新关注 > 信息聚合 > 潘石屹评丁磊“5G言论”:生活在4G世界的人理解不了5G


Pan shiyi review ding "5 g speech" : in the 4 g world understand 5 g

2019-03-06 12:09:45来源: IT之家

IT之家3月6日消息 3月4日,今年两会期间,全国政协委员、网易公司董事局主席兼CEO丁磊接受采访时表示,5G本质上只是传输速度的提升,所以暂时不要对5G抱有太多期待,不要期待5G会给我们的生活带来太大的改变。丁磊表示,就互联网行业而言,4G已经足够快足够好用,完全可以满足当下需求。对此,SOHO中国董事长、联合创始人潘石屹发表了不同的言论。在昨日下午的SOHO中国与中国移动北京公司在望京SOHO签署战略协议会议上,潘石屹回应丁磊“5G言论”称,“我也看到丁磊的言论了,看完这个言论以后我就想,生活在2G世界的人理解不了3G,生活在3G世界的人理解不了4G,生活在4G的世界就习惯了,理...

IT's home on March 6, news & have spent On March 4, during the two sessions this year, the CPPCC national committee, the board chairman and CEO of netease company ding said in an interview, 5 g is essentially transmission speed boost, so temporary not to 5 g too much expectation, don't expect 5 g will bring our life changed very much. Ding said that in terms of the Internet industry, 4 g is enough fast enough to use, can completely meet the demand of the present. To this, SOHO China, co-founder pan shiyi, chairman of the different comments. In yesterday afternoon in wangjing SOHO SOHO China and China mobile Beijing company signed a strategic agreement meeting, pan shiyi response ding "5 g speech" said, "I have seen the ding's comments, read the comments, I just want to live in 2 g the world understand 3 g, in the 3 g world understand 4 g, lives in a world of 4 g become accustomed to, manage...