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《天谕》玉虚职业介绍 天谕玉虚怎么样

The encyclical "yuxu vocational introduction day encyclical yuxu how

2015-06-26 19:51:57来源: 天极网

天谕玉虚 使用武 器:辰剑 星引 职业历史:玉虚,超然世外的沉静星宿师。五帝纪元时,青帝在玉虚峰向人类传授星辰法则。 玉虚尝试以剑为媒,引动日、月和星三曜之力, 称为“三曜入剑”。百年之间, 玉虚专注于炼剑悟星,以出尘之姿,翩然行走于世间,坚守着传承于青帝、 除魔卫道的千年信念。...

day encyclical yuxu use weapons: Sword Chen star lead occupational history: yuxu, detached quiet stars division. The era, Qingdi taught stars law to humanity in the Yu Xu feng. Yu Xu attempts to sword, and the media, when star three Yao force, known as the "three Yao into sword". 100 years, the attention to Lianjian enlightenment star, Chen posture, lightly walking in the world, adhere to the inheritance in Dili, with the exception of magic Viator's Millennium belief. ...