新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微星2015《英雄联盟》校园争霸赛杭州赛区


MSI 2015 "hero alliance" the campus Championship division Hangzhou

2015-06-09 17:05:53来源: 中关村在线

微星2015《英雄联盟》校园争霸赛狼烟再起,火热招募中!继上海地区赛事刚刚结束而硝烟未散之际,该赛事即将转战杭州,于6月10日在杭州市浙江工商大学再次点燃战火。作为微星上半年度最后一个地区赛比赛城市,在暑假来临前夕,快来报名加入我们吧! 比赛报名入口:http://lol.cn.ms...

MSI 2015 "hero alliance" campus hegemony match Langyan renewed and fervent recruit! Following the events in Shanghai has just ended and smoke did not come loose, the event will be moved to Hangzhou, on June 10 in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Gongshang University re ignited the flames of war. As the last part of the last regional games in the city of MSI, the summer comes on the eve of the coming registration to join us! Contest entry entry: http://lol.cn.ms...

标签: 英雄联盟