新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为什么酒越陈越香?西安交大少年班面试题,你答得..


Why wine gets better? Xi'an Jiaotong University Youth Class face questions, you can answer ..

2016-02-29 04:16:17来源: 西安新闻网

2月26日到28日,来自全国16个省份120所中学的471名学生齐聚西安交通大学,参加了2016年西安交大少年班选拔复试,他们年龄最小的13岁,最大的15岁。 “为什么酒越陈越香?”“谈谈你对论语...

February 26 to 28, 471 students from 16 provinces in the country's 120 secondary schools gathered in Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2016 participated in the Youth Class selection retest their youngest 13 years old, maximum 15 years. "Why wine gets better?" "Talk to your Analects ...