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冰火战歌更名《黎明战歌》 今日首测开启

Ice Warsong renamed "dawn" Battle Hymn of today's first measured under

2015-01-06 00:39:59来源: 17173

17game旗下史诗级团战网游《黎明战歌》今日11点国服首测!作为一款RVR战争网游,《黎明战歌》拥有类型丰富的大规模战场系统,热血激烈的攻城战、公会战等应有尽有,而强大的技术基础和全面的引擎优化,更使游戏可流畅支持500 VS 500的团队战斗以及超大规模同屏战斗。 在《黎明战歌》...

17game group open epic battle online games "dawn" 11 national service today the battle hymn of the first test! As a RVR of war, "dawn" battlefield system type has a large Battle Hymn of the rich, warm blooded fierce siege warfare, GVG etc. have everything that one expects to find, and strong technical base and a comprehensive search engine optimization, more make the game can smooth support 500 VS 500 team to fight and large scale battles with screen. In the "dawn" battle hymn...