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世界吃鸡第一人Evermore龙珠首秀 35杀秀全场惊呆众人

The world eats chicken first Evermore dragon ball first show 35 kill show the whole scene is stunned people

2018-01-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近几天,广大吃鸡网友讨论最为热烈的莫过于“猪皇”Evermore入驻龙珠直播平台后的吃鸡首秀。1月17日18:00,在吃鸡爱好者的关注下,号称《绝地求生》世界第一人的Evermore正式在龙珠直播间首次直播,上演了他在中国的吃鸡首秀。 作为德国科隆ESL游戏展绝地求生世界邀请赛SOLO赛冠军,G-star亚洲邀请赛SOLO赛冠军,Evermore首次来中国开始游戏直播,早已牵动了上万名吃鸡玩家的心。早在预热阶段,大家就对他的直播首秀充满了期待,而在首秀当晚,总计有超过28万观众,围观了他的吃鸡盛况。 在绝地求生这款游戏中,玩家们大致可以分为两类:一种是极富血性的进攻型玩家,另一种...

In the last few days, the most heated discussion of chicken netizens is the best chicken first show after the "pig emperor" Evermore in the dragon pearl live platform. At 18:00 on January 17th, at the attention of chicken lovers, Evermore, the world's first man named "Jedi", was first broadcast live in Dragon Ball live room, and staged his first chicken show in China. As the Cologne game show ESL Jedi survival world Invitational champion SOLO G-star, Asian Invitational champion SOLO, Evermore for the first time to start the game China live, already affects tens of thousands of famous chicken heart game player. Early in the preheating stage, everyone was full of anticipation for his first live show, and on the first night of the show, there were more than 280 thousand spectators. In the game of Jedi survival, players can be roughly divided into two categories: one is a bloody offensive player, the other is the other.