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Bright Pattern宣布推出革命性合作伙伴计划

Bright Pattern announced its revolutionary partnership project

2018-11-27 12:06:00来源: 美通社

由行业领先技术和团队提供支持Bright Pattern合作伙伴计划为增值分销商提供直接创收渠道,为解决方案提供商提供业界唯一的云优先、全渠道联络中心解决方案 加州圣布鲁诺2018年11月27日电 /美通社/ -- 领先的全渠道云联络中心软件供应商Bright Pattern今天公布其合作伙伴计划,该计划旨在为增值分销商带来更多新的业务机遇,并帮助他们增加利润,所提供的利润率与其他联络中心提供商相比高出50%。 这款新一代企业级软件由帮助该公司打造Genesys的一些顶尖领导者和工程师创建,目前已通过一个易于使用的简易平台,面向各种规模的企业推出。通过提...

Provided by the industry leading technology and team support Bright Pattern partners plan to provide value-added distributor of direct revenue channels, as a solution provider to provide the industry the only cloud, contact center solutions for all channels SAN Bruno, California in November 2018, 27 (Reuters)/pr newswire / & have spent - leading the whole channel cloud contact center software vendors Bright Pattern today announced its partnership project, the plan aims to bring more new business opportunities for value-added distributor, and help them to increase profits, provided by the profit margin is 50% higher compared with other providers contact center. The new generation of enterprise software by helping the company build process are some of the top leaders and engineers to create, has been through a simple easy to use platform, for companies of all sizes. By asking...