新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日收入百万美元,2018《堡垒之夜》iOS版收入近5亿美元


Millions of us dollars income, 2018 "fortress nights" iOS version of nearly $500 million in revenues

2019-01-08 17:51:41来源: 游戏茶馆

Epic Games在2018可谓风生水起,《堡垒之夜》的大卖让这个顶级老牌游戏开发商重新聚焦于世人眼球。就在今日,彭博社公布的富豪排行榜显示,首次登榜Epic Games老板Tim Sweeney以71.6亿美元的身家冲到了195位,高于V社总裁G胖,后者以44.8亿美元的身家排在第368位。根据Senser Tower的统计,2018《堡垒之夜》仅iOS版本收入就接近5亿美元,这款移动版上线仅

Epic Games is popular in 2018, the fort night ", make the top selling established game developers to focus on the eye. , bloomberg reported on today's rich list, according to the list for the first time Epic boss Tim Sweeney worth at $7.16 billion to the 195, higher than V club President G fat, the latter with a $4.48 billion fortune ranked 368th. 2018, according to the Senser Tower, "night of the fortress version of the iOS income alone close to $500 million, the mobile version online only

标签: iOS