新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日漫风消除RPG游戏《女神消消乐》登陆iOS平台


Man day wind eliminate RPG game "goddess Fest" landing iOS platform

2015-01-20 16:46:18来源: 任玩堂

这段时间以神话故事为题材的游戏层出不穷,《女神消消乐》就是一款以希腊神话为背景的、结合了消除和卡牌元素的 RPG 游戏。该游戏采用了日式漫画风格,而游戏玩法则是消除战斗模式。 游戏的拖拽式消除玩法并不需要相邻的方块才能替换位置,而是可以随意互换任意两个方块进行消除。但需要注意的是,方块...

this time to fairy tales games emerge in an endless stream, "goddess Fest" is a to Greek mythology as the background, combined with the elimination and elements of the RPG game card. The game uses the Japanese cartoon style, while playing the game rule is to eliminate the battle mode. Box to drag the game does not need to be adjacent to eliminate play the replacement position, but will swap two arbitrary block elimination. But attention is required, the box...

标签: 游戏 iOS