新关注 > 信息聚合 > 休闲益智游戏《放了那只猪》萝莉变身造型曝光


Casual puzzle game "put the pig" Lolita turned modeling exposure

2015-01-20 11:13:10来源: 不凡游戏网

不知道学生党的期末考试结束了没?对于一些已经放假童鞋们,你们是不是在做“家里蹲”呢?宅在家里的你是怎么利用这个假期来享受游戏的乐趣呢?小编在这边就给你们推荐一款全新萌到爆的单机休闲游戏《放了那只猪》。作为喜欢“宅”在家里的童鞋们,赶快来看看吧! 《放了那只猪》(Let Pig Go)是...

students do not know the party's final exam is over? Some have holiday for children's shoes, you Is it right? Doing "in home"? House at home how do you use this holiday to enjoy the fun of the game? Xiao Bian here will give you recommend a brand new adorable to explode of stand-alone casual game "put the pig". As love "curtilage" in the home of the children's shoes, hurry up to have a look! "Put the pig" (Let Pig Go) is...

标签: 游戏