《原罪之人》(ひとよ、汝が罪の)是 IINA 社研发的一款耽美解谜逃脱游戏,游戏的气氛给人感觉略显沉重。 本作中,故事情节和解谜逃脱的环节是分开的,逃脱部分完全用3D制作,玩家需要解开四周的谜题,并从洋馆逃脱。在故事情节中也有许多有魅力的角色登场,角色的设定非常有个性,故事在设定上就显...
"sinners" (better, Ru, and published by the crime of) is IINA service development of a homoerotic puzzle escape game, game atmosphere, people feel a bit heavy. For this, the story and puzzle escape links are separate, escape part produced entirely using 3D, game player needed to unlock the puzzle around, and escape from the mansion. In the plot also has many attractive characters, character set very personality, stories in the setting on the explicit...