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作死典范:Netflix 或将屏蔽用户通过 VPN 看视频

Seek death model: Netflix or shielded by VPN users watch video

2016-01-19 00:03:27来源: TECH2IPO创见

Netflix 是一家位于美国的视频网站。尽管该公司业务范围已经扩展到全世界几乎每个国家,但美国之外的用户已经逐渐开始想要弃用了。 本月早些时候,Netflix 宣布又有 130 个国家可以访问他们的网站了,这意味着全球绝大多数地方都可以订阅 Netflix 的服务,然而中国却不在列(有数据表明,截至 2014 年末,有超过 2 千万中国用户通过代理等方式收看 Netflix 网站的视频资源,而当时 Netflix 的注册用户约 7 千万)。紧跟着其扩张的步伐,该公司上周再次震惊了全世界网民——他们宣布计划拦截掉数百万通过 VPN(一种通过代理服务器或虚拟专网掩盖地址的技术)访问的用户。 铺天...

Netflix is ​​a US-based video site. Although the company's business scope has expanded to almost every country in the world, but users outside the United States has gradually began to want abandoned. Earlier this month, Netflix announced that there are 130 countries can visit their website, which means that the majority of the world where you can subscribe to Netflix's service, however, China is not in the column (Data show that as of the end of 2014, there more than 20 million Chinese users to watch through a proxy, etc. Netflix website video resources, at a time when Netflix's about 70 million registered users). Followed by the pace of its expansion, the company once again shocked the world last week, Internet users - they announced plans to intercept off millions of users access via VPN (a kind through a proxy server or VPN concealment address) of. Roofing ...

标签: 视频