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《极限竞速 地平线4》媒体评分汇总:英伦之旅好评如潮

Ultimate racing horizon 4 media score summary: British tour high praise

2018-09-25 15:51:18来源: 游戏时光

即将于10月2日发售的微软 Xbox 第一方大作《极限竞速 地平线4》,在今天下午3点解禁了全球媒体评分。截稿时 Metacritic 共收录了39个评测,均分92分。绝大多数的游戏媒体都给了本作极高的评价,其中 IGN 评分9.6分,GameSpot 评分9分。游戏时光:10/10来自缔造了《尘埃DiRT》、《火爆狂飙》、《车手Driver》、《极品飞车》等等经典竞速游戏系列的各个工作室的人们,从2010年开始,聚集到英国,成立了Playground Games工作室。这些喜欢速度和极限运动的人们,在8年时间里,以2两年一部的速度制作了4部作品,最新一部,也是目前最好的一部,聚焦在他们生活与...

Is on sale on October 2, Microsoft Xbox first party was blowing the ultimate racing horizon 4, at least the global media today at 3 PM. Press Metacritic were recorded 39 evaluation, divide 92 points. The vast majority of game media gave this extremely high opinion, including IGN score of 9.6, GameSpot would score nine points. Game time: 10/10 from created the "dust DiRT", "burnout", "the Driver Driver", "the best speed" and so on classical racing game series with studios, starting in 2010, gathered in the UK, established the Playground Games studio. These people like speed and extreme sports, in eight years, at a speed of 2 two years a made four films, the latest film, also is the best one, focusing on their life and...