新关注 > 信息聚合 > 享受“蜗居”:在“模拟人生”系列中建小房子有什么现实意义?


Enjoy a "humble abode" : "the SIMS" series build small house has a realistic meaning?

2019-02-15 15:00:00来源: 触乐

虚拟网络是个神奇的世界,它不仅给人们带来知识和娱乐消遣,也在培养人们新的生活习惯,比如看别人的直播或视频,视频内容只是在游戏里建房子。但虚拟总会照进现实,那些受欢迎的修房频道为何会拥趸众多?这背后反映的往往是社会问题——即使是在发达国家和地区,也并不是人人都住豪宅。■ 在网络上修房子5年前,一个在意大利学习平面设计的澳大利亚学生突患胃病,由于整天躺在床上无所事事,于是就开始上网搜索自己最喜欢的游戏“模拟人生”系列的视频。在这个系列游戏中,玩家可以建筑房屋、控制虚拟角色模拟生活,这本不稀奇。让她感到惊讶的是,有很多人专门把在“模拟人生&...

The virtual network is a magical world, it not only brings knowledge and entertainment, also in training new people living habits, such as watching others live or video, video content just to build a house in the game. But virtual always shines into reality, those popular housing channel why many fans? Behind this often reflect the social problems & ndash; & ndash; Even in developed countries and regions, also not everyone lives a person of extraordinary powers curtilage. S house five years ago, on the Internet a Australian students study graphic design in Italy with a stomach trouble, due to lie in bed all day doing nothing, so he began to search for your favorite online games & other; The SIMS & throughout; A series of video. In this series of the game, players can control a virtual character building houses, simulation life, this is not surprising. To her surprise, there are a lot of people specially the in & other; The SIMS &...