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营收9.5亿美金 《精灵宝可梦GO》破手游收入记录

Revenue 950 million U.S. dollars, "smart treasure can dream GO" broken hand travel income records

2017-01-18 09:08:50来源: DoNews

尽管由于某些原因,我们国家的游戏玩家至今都未真正意义上体验过《精灵宝可梦GO》这款游戏,但不可否认的是,这一佳作自去年7月上架以来已在全世界掀起了捕捉精灵的热潮,而它的开发商Niantic更是赚的盆满钵满,近日,国外数据统计机构App Annie就发布了一项最近调查报道,报告显示从2016年7月6日上线以来,《精灵宝可梦GO》在全年的累计收入已经达到了恐怖的9.5亿美元,而这一数据也打破了此前所有移动游戏的纪录。史诗级的强力IP加上独具特色的游戏玩法,可以说这款游戏想不火都是非常困难的。但它究竟比其他精品的手游作品强势多少呢,下面的一则数据似乎能够说明所有的问题。据悉《精灵宝可梦GO》仅仅用了...

Although for some reason, our country has not been the game player truly experienced "demon treasure can dream GO" of the game, but it is undeniable that this works since July last year, has shelves around the world set off to capture the elf boom, while its developer Niantic is made full bowl full, recently, foreign statistics agency App Annie released a survey report recently reported, on-line since July 6, 2016, "elf treasure can dream GO" in the cumulative annual revenue has reached $950 million and the terrorist, the data also broke the previous record of all mobile games. Epic epic IP, coupled with unique gameplay, can be said to be very difficult to fire without fire. But how much stronger is it than other boutique hand travel works, and one of the following data seems to illustrate all the problems. It is reported, "demon treasure can dream GO" just used...

标签: 手游