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ONE PIECE 手游《航海王 启航》iOS付费上线

ONE PIECE Mobile Games "King" iOS sail sailing pay on-line

2015-01-20 11:13:10来源: 不凡游戏网

自国内首款ONE PIECE正版手游《航海王 启航》安卓版开测以来,iOS版本何时上线就成为了万众期待的话题。2015年1月20日,iOS版本终于要和玩家见面了!仅需花费1元,便可与路飞海盗团一起并肩作战,谱写自己的冒险传奇!经典的片头主题歌,熟悉的原班声优,热血的冒险世界,绝对不会辜负...

since China's first ONE PIECE genuine Mobile Games navigation sail "King" Android version of a test, the iOS version when the on-line has become a much anticipated topic. In January 20, 2015, the iOS version and the game player met finally! Only spend 1 yuan, can and Luffy pirates regiment fought together, and write a legend own adventure! The classic title theme song, familiar with the original class seiyuu, blood of the adventure world, never fail to live up to...

标签: 手游 iOS