新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周鸿祎呼吁保护白帽黑客:没有安全人才就没有网络安全


Zhou Hongyi to protect white hat: no security personnel, no network security

2017-02-23 21:28:25来源: DoNews

DoNews 2月23日消息(记者 赵晋杰)在2月23日360安全应急响应中心(简称360SRC)的三周年庆典活动上,360董事长周鸿祎表态称,黑客这个词在社会上存在很多误解。对于善意的白帽子,企业应给予支持和理解的态度,呼吁政府出台政策对白帽子这类安全人才进行保护和鼓励。现场还特别邀请了资深律师讲解“白帽子的行为边界”,为白帽子保护自身利益提供法律援助。 所谓白帽子,是随着网络安全发展而出现的一个技术群体,他们以推动企业修复漏洞为目的,运用黑客技术对企业网络和产品进行渗透测试。周鸿祎认为,“很多系统漏洞都是未知的,你根本不知道它存在,怎么防御?常用的方式就是我通过模拟攻击,就像演习一样,也要...

DoNews Feb. 23 (reporter Zhao Jinjie) on February 23, 360 security emergency response center (hereinafter referred to as SRC) 360 on the third anniversary celebration of 360 chairman Zhou Hongyi said, the word hacker in society there are a lot of misunderstanding. For bona fide white hat, the enterprise should give support and understanding attitude, called on the government policy dialogue hat this kind of security personnel to protect and encourage. The scene also specially invited senior lawyers explain behavior boundaries "white hat", provide legal aid to white hat to protect their own interests. So-called white hat, it is appeared with the development of network security and a technical group, they repaired to promote enterprise for the purpose, use hacker technology to the enterprise network and product penetration test. Zhou Hongyi thinks, "many system vulnerabilities are unknown, you don't know it exists, how to defense? Commonly used way is I through simulation attack, like exercise, also want to...