新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄子韬闪现肯德基!《神武3》首席弟子带你吃鸡


Tao flash KFC! "Creature 3" chief disciple take you to eat chicken

2018-03-13 16:55:32来源: 任玩堂

缤纷开学季,黄子韬带你任性吃鸡!3月5日,《神武3》携手肯德基开启深度跨界合作,首席弟子黄子韬倾情加盟,为全体海浪送上多重专属好礼。亲临《神武3》肯德基主题体验店与黄子韬人形立牌合影留念,购买主题套餐赢取黄子韬限量闪卡,还有更多店内优惠等你开启。缤纷开学季 主题店定制套餐缤纷来袭打造快乐开学季,唱响跨界全新浪潮。《神武3》携手肯德基开启深度合作,联手推出《神武3》主题套餐、打造《神武3》线下餐厅、发布现版本珍藏闪卡、同步开启校园主题创意活动,线上、线下双向植入,为万千玩家送上惊喜大礼包。眼下,精心打造的一家《神武3》开学季主题店——五山店,三家精品窗体店——中山八店、大学城店、南油店业已开门迎...

Back-to-school profusion, tao you capricious to eat chicken! On March 5, "creature 3" hand in hand to KFC open depth of cross-border cooperation, chief disciple tao divas, for all the waves into multiple exclusive gifts. On theme "creature 3" KFC store brand took a group photo with tao human experience, buy theme package win tao limited flash CARDS, there are more good in-store waiting for you to open it. Colorful back-to-school theme shop customized packages to create happy back-to-school profusion, singing cross-border new wave. "Creature 3" KFC open depth cooperation hand in hand, to create "creature 3" theme package, create "creature 3" offline restaurant, release version now flash card collection, synchronous open campus theme of creative activities, online and offline two-way implants, for all players to surprise package. Now, carefully crafted a creature 3 back-to-school theme shop shop - five mountain, three quality form shops - zhongshan eight shops, university town shop, south oil shop has opened the door to meet...