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PayPal: as a long lived in the imperial city of the ancient city of Lijiang another blue

2015-09-21 20:03:02来源: TECH2IPO创见

作为一个久居帝都的人,到达丽江的第一印象就是那醉人的蓝天。不过在这段时间,代表「丽江蓝」的不仅仅是清澈的蓝天,还有「蓝色支付宝」。不论在束河古镇还是丽江古城,到处都能看到各大店铺门口都贴着「本店支持支付宝付款」的蓝色标识、带有支付宝 logo 的立方体小台灯、蓝色的灯笼、蓝色的支付宝优惠宣传海报以及支付宝蚂蚁吉祥物的毛绒公仔,就连丽江的旅游胜地玉龙雪山也立着好几个硕大的蓝色淘公仔助兴,整个丽江都融入到「支付宝蓝」之中。经过几个月的准备,蚂蚁金服和阿里巴巴集团正式与丽江政府达成了「互联网+丽江」的战略合作协议,将丽江全城接入支付宝,丽江政府希望用互联网的方式再造全新的「蓝色丽江」。今后,游客在丽...

, arrived in Lijiang, the first impression is the magnificent blue sky. But during this time, the representative of the "Lijiang blue" is not only the clear blue sky, but also "blue Alipay". Whether in the beam River ancient town and the ancient city of Lijiang, everywhere can see the door of the shop, are close to "the store support payment PayPal payment" blue logo, with pay treasure logo cube small table lamp, blue lanterns, blue Alipay discount promotional posters and Alipay ant mascot plush dolls, even of Lijiang Tourism Resort Yulong Snow Mountain also stood several huge blue Amoy doll add to the fun, the Lijiang into paying blue ". After a few months of preparation, the ant gold suit and Alibaba Group officially reached a strategic cooperation agreement with the Lijiang government, Internet + Lijiang, Lijiang city will be connected to pay treasure, the Lijiang government hopes to use the Internet to re form a new blue Lijiang. In the future, the tourists in korea...