新关注 > 信息聚合 > Twitter第三季度净利润7800万美元 同比增长28%

Twitter第三季度净利润7800万美元 同比增长28%

Twitter in the third quarter net profit of $78 million Up 28% from a year earlier

2017-10-26 20:12:29来源: DoNews

DoNews10月26日消息 (记者 费倩文)26日,Twitter发布了2017财年第三季度财报,营收为5.90亿美元,同比下滑4%。净亏损2100万美元,而上年同期净亏损1.03亿美元。基于美国通用会计准则,Twitter第三财季净亏损2100万美元,净利润率为-4%,每股摊薄亏损0.03美元。而上年同期净亏损1.03亿美元,净利润率为-17%,每股摊薄亏损0.15美元。基于非美国通用会计准则,Twitter第三财季净利润7800万美元,每股摊薄收益0.10美元。而上年同期净利润6100万美元,每股摊薄收益0.09美元。调整后的EBITDA(息税折旧及摊销前利润)为2.07亿美元,占总营收...

DoNews10 26 news, 26 (reporter FeiQianWen) Twitter issued in the third quarter of fiscal 2017 earnings, revenue of $590 million, fell 4%. A net loss of $21 million, and compared with the same period last year net loss of $103 million. Based on us gaap, Twitter third-quarter net loss of $21 million, net profit margin of 4% and diluted loss of $0.03 a share. And the same period last year net loss of $103 million, net profit margin of 17% and diluted loss of $0.15 a share. Based on the general accounting rules, Twitter third-quarter net profit of $78 million, diluted earnings per share of $0.10. And compared with the same period last year net profit of $61 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.09. The adjusted EBITDA (before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) for $207 million, the total revenue...