新关注 > 信息聚合 > 终于等到了!正版《口袋妖怪方块:捕获达人》中..


Finally wait! Genuine Pokemon box: capture's got talent, "..

2015-09-29 10:43:46来源: 任玩堂

《口袋妖怪》是由 Game Freak 和 Creatures 共同开发,作为任天堂标志性的系列游戏之一,最初的作品在 1996 年于日本发行的 Game Boy 登场,随后《口袋妖怪》系列一直贯穿任天堂的各代掌机之中。但这个曾经死活都不沾手游的任天堂,如今也敌不过手游的“攻势”,推出了...

" Pokemon "is jointly developed by game freak and creatures, as Nintendo logo one of the series of the game, the original works in 1996 in Japan issued the game boy debut, then the mouth bag monster" series throughout Nintendo's console generation. But this once does not touch the Mobile Games Nintendo, now also enemy but Mobile Games "offensive", launched...