新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最强策略手游《神魔之战》删档内测今日正式开启


The strongest hand travel strategy "battle of the gods" delete files online officially opened today

2015-09-29 23:58:18来源: 不凡游戏网

今日上午10点福州指尖互娱网络科技有限公司强势逆袭,推出最强策略手游《神魔之战》正式开启多平台删档内测,通过创新的策略布阵和异步处理即时战斗玩法,不仅开辟了策略手游的新思路,更是在国内卡牌游戏泛滥缺乏创新的大环境下进行一次突破性的大胆尝试。 《神魔之战》国内绝无仅有的欧美魔幻风格的策...

today morning 10 point Fuzhou fingertip mutual Entertainment Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a strong counter attack, launched the strongest hand travel strategy "battle of the gods" officially opened the multi platform delete files online, through innovative strategies array and asynchronous processing real-time combat gameplay not only opens up a new idea of strategy of hand travel, more is in the card game cards flooded the lack of innovation in the environment of a bold attempt of a breakthrough. "Battle of the gods" and the unique style of magic domestic policy...

标签: 手游