新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网吧被“吃鸡”拯救?看B5电竞馆如何赢得先机


Internet cafes are "chicken" to save? See how e-sports pavilion B5, winning advantage

2017-11-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《绝地求生:大逃杀》,可能是日前市面上人气最旺、话题最火的FPS游戏,没有之一了,即使你没有玩过这款“网红”游戏,那么你也一定听过“吃鸡”的大名。“winner winner,chicken dinner”,这段赌场上求好运的台词,正是它诨名“吃鸡”的来历。在如此热度下,以推广电竞运动普及化、全民化为使命的B5电竞馆便顺势而为,举办了首届B5电竞吃鸡城市对抗赛。 “吃鸡”带动网吧行业回暖 B5电竞馆将赛事大众化 B5电竞馆联合NGA社区举办了首届吃鸡城市对抗赛,设立万元奖金池,吸引各个城市的吃鸡爱好者,展开了一场场紧张刺激的百人大角逐。和以往国内外团队赛不同,此次城市赛把所有玩家聚合...

Survival of the jedi: battle royale ", is probably has the most popular on the market, the topic of the most popular FPS game, no one, even if you don't have played this "web celebrity" game, so you must have heard the name of "chicken". "Winner winner, chicken dinner", this section of the casino and good luck on the lines, it nicknames of the origins of the "chicken". E-sports movement under such heat, in order to promote universal, universal mission to B5 e-sports pavilion for those routes, e-sports to eat chicken city hosted the first B5 mini-match. "Chicken" recovery B5 e-sports pavilion will drive the Internet cafe industry event popular B5 e-sports pavilion joint NGA community hosted the tournament, the first to eat chicken city set up a $ten thousand bonus pool, attract cities to eat chicken lovers, launched a series of the National People's Congress. Unlike previous team competition at home and abroad, the city of "all the players polymerization...

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