新关注 > 信息聚合 > 淡马锡领投、瑞信入局,人工智能公司Rokid完成1亿美元融资


Temasek, Credit Suisse, AI Rokid, financed $100 million

2018-01-18 19:12:57来源: DoNews


One Finance Technologies exclusive learned that the AI company Rokid has recently completed a new round of financing, led by Temasek, followed by Credit Suisse, CDIB (Taiwan's China Development Finance Holding Company's investment institutions), IDG Capital and other institutions. This is Rokid's next round of financing after Round B in 2016. Reporters also learned from practitioners that Rokid's round of financing is about $100 million. Apart from IDG being an old shareholder, the other three are new investors. Credit Suisse and CDIB are the first financial transactions in the field of artificial intelligence in China. Since founder Misa and co-founder and CFO Wang Shunde had working background in Alibaba, the outside world has been concerned about whether Alibaba would inject capital into the company, or even buy it. Wang Shunde, in an exclusive interview with Finance and Technology, said that all three BAT companies had contacted Rokid on investment, but Rokid's project (...)