新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赶集网与房产交易平台房多多合作 瞄准新房市场

赶集网与房产交易平台房多多合作 瞄准新房市场

Ganji and real estate transaction platform housing a lot of cooperation aimed at the new home market

2015-04-14 16:48:32来源: 搜狐

赶集网与房产交易平台房多多合作 瞄准新房市场 【TechWeb报道】4月14日消息,赶集网今日宣布与互联网房产交易平台房多多合作,双方将首先从新房领域进行资源互换,未来会扩展至更多品类。 根据合作,房多多将自身平台的全部房产资源同步入驻赶集网房产频道,凭借赶集网流量,为开发商引入...

Ganji and real estate transaction platform housing a lot of cooperation aimed at the new home market [TechWeb] News reported in April 14th, Ganji announced today a lot of cooperation with the Internet real estate transaction platform, both sides will be the first from the new field of the exchange of resources, the future will be extended to more categories. According to the cooperation, a lot of room to their platform of the whole estate resources synchronization in Ganji real estate channel, with Ganji flow, as developers introduce...