新关注 > 信息聚合 > "双十一"应战网商 济宁各大商场展开促销大战

"双十一"应战网商 济宁各大商场展开促销大战

"Double eleven" challenge the network Jining each are big bazaar launches the promotion war

2014-11-10 23:00:51来源: 大众网

济宁新闻:明天就是“双十一”了,在天猫、京东等电商为即将到来的双十一购物节打造声势的同时,济宁城区各大商场和购物中心也迎来了下半年的促销季,促销大战火爆程度与电商巨头们相比也毫不逊色。 "双十一"应战网商,济宁各大商场展开促销大战 商场促销专区吸引了众多消费者 商场打出各类“双十...

Jining Dazhong net news: tomorrow is the "double eleven", building momentum at the same time for the upcoming dual eleven Shopping Festival in Tmall, Jingdong electric business, Jining city's major shopping malls and shopping centers also ushered in the second half of the sales season, the promotion war hot degree also compared favorably with the business tycoons. "Double eleven" challenge the network, Jining each are big bazaar launches the promotion war mall promotions to attract many consumers shopping malls to play all kinds of "double ten...