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Where is the magic department girl? Entrepreneurial hot style in big trouble

2016-07-02 20:07:25来源: 亿邦动力网

在上半年创业领域新星之中,神奇百货的创始人王凯歆绝对上得上熠熠闪光的一颗。然而,与所有初创公司一样,这位17岁女孩治下的神奇百货,正与麻烦相伴。这个闷热的6月,对神奇百货的创始人王凯歆而言注定是难熬的。让她声名鹊起的神奇百货,正陷入一系列负面因素之中。先是从5月中旬开始,媒体舆论就大规模揭露出神奇百货运营数据造假的信息;此后,作为创始人的她,遭遇信用危机;与此同时,有关神奇百货商业模式存疑等负面消息也不断涌现。时间到了6月份,神奇百货遭遇的各种负面信息,开始影响到公司内部层面。▲ 神奇百货发展历程。6月29日下午3时,神奇百货员工(微信名:神奇百货慎爷)在其朋友圈发布的一条状态,该状态配图为一...

Entrepreneurship among the stars in the first half, magic department founder wang xin, absolute up on the shining one. However, like all startups, the 17-year-old girl's department, is associated with the trouble. This hot in June, the magic department founder wang xin, is doomed to be difficult. Let her fame magic department, is in a series of negative factors. First since mid-may, media, public opinion is large-scale revealed a magical department operation data of fraud information; Since then, as the founder of she, a credit crisis; At the same time, the magic suspicious negative news such as department store business model, also emerge. In June, the time came, the magic department of all kinds of negative information, began to affect the internal level. Bring the magic department development. At 3 PM on June 29, magic department staff (WeChat name: magic department shen ye) released in the circle of friends is one of the state, the state with the graph is a...