新关注 > 信息聚合 > 跳票达人《小龙斯派罗:超级充能者》10月25日上架


Bouncing Daren "Spyro: Super energizer" on October 25, shelves

2015-09-07 15:27:21来源: 4399

原定将在本月20日上架的《小龙斯派罗:超级充能者》( Skylanders Superchargers )此前发布了让人热血沸腾的预告片,不过近期动视官方对外宣布,这款游戏延期至10月25日上架。 在游戏里玩家可以控制原作中的角色,通过各种大杀伤力武器来进行 3D 闯关,除此之外还能驾...

will be scheduled on the 20th of this month shelves of the Spyro: super charged the Almighty "(skylanders Superchargers) previously released let person have a boiling passion trailer, but soon move to official announced to the outside, this game postponed to October 25, on the shelves. In the game, players can control the original role, through a variety of weapons of mass destruction to 3D checkpoints, in addition also driving...