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小时代手游安卓首测 激活码限量发放

Small time Mobile Games Andrews first test activation code limited release

2015-04-07 11:40:16来源: 不凡游戏网

《小时代》(官方游戏)即将开启安卓首测!作为一款明星养成类手游,小时代由郭敬明监制,网易游戏精心打造,集合人物养成、剧情体验、换装系统和多种小游戏于一体,同时具备丰富的社交玩法。游戏将于4月中旬开启测试,目前激活码即将在各大媒体渠道开启限量发放,怎么样,准备好了吗?! 签约ME,踏上巨...

"small time" (game) is about to open Andrews first test! As a star to develop hand travel, small time produced by Guo Jingming, of Netease game meticulously, set of characters to develop, drama experience, change the system and a variety of small games in one, and has extensive social play. The game will open test in mid April, the activation code will be in the major media channels opened in limited release, what, are you ready?! Sign up for ME, set foot on gigantic...

标签: 手游 安卓