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伏魔咒怎么击飞BOSS? 怎么浮空BOSS

Ghost spell hit fly BOSS? How floated BOSS

2016-03-22 11:38:00来源: 4399

“伏魔咒怎么击飞BOSS?怎么浮空BOSS”对于连招强迫症的玩家来讲,浮空技术是必须掌握的,这无论是PK还是刷BOSS都是一门基础的技术 击飞小怪容易,击飞BOSS就需要些小技巧了 首先《伏魔咒》每个职业都有自己的起手技、追加技、终结技,有些技是带有击飞效果的,想浮空BOSS前提是你...

"Ghost curse how blow fly BOSS? How floated BOSS" for LianZhao obsessive-compulsive disorder of players, floating air technology is a must to master, the PK or brush BOSS is a basis of technology Struck to fly BOSS blow fly small blame is easy, just need tips first "ghost" each class has its own manipulation, additional skills, finishing moves, some of the technology is with a blow fly effect, want to float empty BOSS premise is you...