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《小李飞刀》曝光发售日期 8.19登录App Store

"Xiao Li flying knife" exposure date of sale 8.19, login App Store

2016-07-31 12:25:26来源: 17173

2016年ChinaJoy的展会上,网易游戏为我们带来了一款新手游,那就是古龙授权网易开发的《小李飞刀》手游,在这一次的ChinaJoy上网易游戏正式为我们公布了这个游戏的发售日期。8月19日,《小李飞刀》手游就会登录iOS的App Store,到时iOS用户就可以自行下载试玩了。 ...

The 2016 ChinaJoy show, NetEase game brings a new tour for us, that is authorized by the NetEase to develop the "Gu Li flying" Mobile Games, at this time the ChinaJoy NetEase officially announced the game for the game's release date. August 19th, "Xiao Li flying knife" hand tour will log on iOS App Store, when iOS users can download their own demo. ...

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