新关注 > 信息聚合 > 神汽在线:汽车脚垫不可小视 使用不当危险巨大

神汽在线:汽车脚垫不可小视 使用不当危险巨大

God: steam car mats not online improper use of dangerous

2017-07-28 11:09:05来源: DoNews


The foot mats are essential for the inside of the car. Most of the owner's mats are to keep the car clean and tidy, and prevent dust, rain, and dirt on the car. At the same time, it has the function of skidproof and sound insulation. At present, there are a variety of car mats on the market. How should we choose and use it? Today we summarize some godling about knowledge of car mats. 1, the choice of the most compatible with the car mats different models, the shape of the floor in the car will be different. In order to fit the interior contour of the car, we must choose the footrest for special purpose when buying the foot mat, so that we can prevent the pedal from being properly used because of the loosening of the footpad. 2, foot pad can not hinder the normal use and installation of foot pads. It is necessary to ensure that the upper side of the driver's footpad will not affect the normal use of brake pedal and accelerator pedal. 3, the owner of the two floor mats that can not be paved for more clean, spread two layers. Seemingly convenient actions, in fact, are the same as suicides. Because the pads and the floor are equipped with fixed devices, and feet...