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Every April Fool's Day, technology companies seem to be tired.

2019-04-01 15:16:04来源: IT之家

今天是4月1日,周一,工作日。你有没有收到表白的小纸条,但背面却写着It's a trick?你有没有吃到好友递过的一杯可乐,里面却放了好几滴风油精?你有没有吃到一颗样貌普通的豆子,里面却塞了一把芥末?好吧,如果这些都没有,那么你的4月1日还蛮普通的,毕竟在忙碌的工作日,朋友圈一半人在祝张国荣“生日快乐”,一半人在感叹休息日过去得太快,似乎真的已经很少有普通人记得这是一个恶作剧智商,捣蛋不用负责的节日。不过,即便普通人已经不过愚人节了,但每一年各大企业以及各大公关公司都摩拳擦掌,希望借着这一天的势头好好胡闹一把。于是乎在今天,卖手机的卖起了鸡鸭鱼肉巧克力,做电商的开起了火箭,做快充技术...

Today is April 1, Monday, working day. Did you receive a small note with it&39;s a trick on the back? Have you ever eaten a cup of coke handed over by your friend, but put a few drops of essential oil in it? Have you ever eaten an ordinary-looking bean stuffed with mustard? Well, if none of these, then April 1st is quite common. After all, on busy working days, half of the circle of friends wishes Zhang Guorong "Happy Birthday". Half of them lament that the rest day has passed too fast. It seems that very few ordinary people really remember that it is a prank IQ, trick-or-treat Festival without responsibility. However, even if the average person is no longer April Fool's Day, every year major enterprises and major public relations companies are scratching their hands, hoping to take advantage of the momentum of this day to make a good mischief. So today, mobile phone sellers sell chicken, duck, fish, chocolate, e-commerce launch rockets, fast charging technology.