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Never leave home "asked" VR XianXia chamber of waiting for you to experience

2016-10-15 12:12:19来源: 新浪

导语:十年经典,百万在线。《问道》首个仙侠风主题密室火爆开启,为让广大道友感受《问道》主题密室的精彩之处,官方特采用虚拟VR技术,将密室场景再现还原,力求做到让道友们足不出户就能解谜玩密室,充分享受到虚拟与现实穿越的乐趣。 除了《问道》主题密室在线下举办,线上解谜活动也同步开启,不能...

Guide language: the classic 10 years, millions of online. "Asked the first XianXia theme rooms hot wind open, for the vast number of dao friends feel highlights of the chamber of secrets" asked "theme, official using virtual VR technology, will restore chamber of scene rendering, makes every effort to do pass the friends never leave home can play puzzles rooms, fully enjoy the fun of virtual and reality through. In addition to "asked" theme rooms in offline, line over mystery activities have the synchronous open, can't...

标签: VR