新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《次元大冒险》带着你的萌物躁起来!


"Dimensional adventure" with your Meng things impatient up!

2015-12-11 10:45:30来源: 多玩游戏

《次元大冒险》是一款二次元放置类手游,已经开测一周,受到不少喜欢二次元玩家的关注。 魔王即将统治世界,次元女神打破空间裂缝,将来自各个次元的英雄召集一起,却被魔王打散了。身为冒险家的你,负责将这些英雄寻找回来,打败最终大魔王。 在《次元大冒险》中,拥有超过300位英雄,这些英雄大...

"Yuan big adventure" is a kind of hand travel two dimension, has been open for a week, is a lot of attention like the two yuan players. Lord will rule the world, goddess of dimension to break the space crack will come from each dimension of the hero called together was Lord scattered. As you will be responsible for the adventurers, these heroes looking back, eventually beat the devil. In "the Grand Adventure", with more than 300 heroes, these heroes...