新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美媒:阿里巴巴“双11”交易量水分有多大?


U.S. media: Alibaba "double 11" trading volume of water is?

2014-11-11 10:03:53来源: 环球网

【环球科技报道 记者 陈薇】据美国《华尔街日报》11月10日报道,对电子商务企业来说,网上交易额(常被称作毛商品价值量GMV)是其市场份额是否在增大的标志。但如果算上未付款交易、退货和取消订单的情况,这个标准也不是那么准确——阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、京东商城(JD.com)和eBay...

[global science and technology reporter Chen Wei] according to USA "Wall Street daily" reported on November 10th, to the electronic commerce enterprise, online transactions (often referred to as the gross amount of commodity value GMV) is its market share is in the increasing signs. But if the deal, return and cancel the order of the situation without payment account, this standard is not so accurate -- Alibaba (Alibaba), Jingdong Mall (JD.com) and eBay...