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《主公受惊了》跨服战来袭 新版本争霸升级

"Master" frightened inter service war struck a new version of StarCraft upgrade

2016-03-17 12:21:22来源: 不凡游戏网

前几天给大家介绍了新版本中的新武将丁奉,那游戏版本到底什么时候更新呢?小编打听到最新消息,新版本预计在4月份正式上线,想想内心是不是有点小激动呢!更令人激动的是,《主公受惊了》要开启首届跨服争霸赛了! 那么今天来跟大家说说新本中最大的亮点——跨服争霸赛。 小编了解到,主公们平时总...

We introduced a new version of the new generals Dingfeng a few days ago, the game version of what time? Xiao Bian asked about the latest news, the new version is expected to formally launched in April, think about the heart is not a little excited! Even more exciting is that the "master" to open up the first inter service tournament! So today to talk to you about the biggest bright spot in the new - Cross Service tournament. Xiao Bian learned that the Lord are always...