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《山口山战记》即将登陆iOS 预约下载现已开启

The mountain pass us is coming to iOS download an appointment is now open

2016-02-15 11:34:44来源: 任玩堂

《山口山战记》正版授权手游是龙图游戏携手“MT动画原著者”核桃共同推出的手游,游戏将在二月底登陆iOS平台,现已在游戏官网开启预约下载,预约成功还可赢得游戏礼包。 本作的玩法是考验玩家策略的即时战斗,不是每个关卡都能无脑站桩输出,需要玩家对BOSS技能有准确的预判,合理搭配阵型和掌握大...

The mountain pass us the original authorization is mobile game by game, together with hand in hand "MT" animation original walnut mobile game, the game will in the end of February on the iOS platform, is now in the game's official website open reservation download, reservation success still can win the game bags. This game is the immediate battle test players strategy, not there would be no brain station pile output, each level requires players have accurate predictions about BOSS skills, reasonable collocation formation and mastering big...

标签: iOS