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三星Galaxy S10/S10+/S10 E大量谍照和渲染图流出:一次看够

Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+/S10 E, a large number of spy photos and rendering maps flow out: once enough

2019-02-06 13:42:56来源: IT之家

IT之家2月6日消息 今天上午,IT之家报道了三星S10系列最便宜的那款S10 E全新指纹识别模块特写渲染图曝光的消息,而事实上,今天关于Galaxy S10、S10E又有更多渲染图和谍照现身,有整体有特写,大家可以一次看个够。首先是爆料大神@evleaks 放出了“珍珠白”的Galaxy S10真机谍照,谍照展示的是机身背面摄像头的特写,后置三摄像头的设计看起来很抓眼。另外,另一位爆料大神@SlashLeaks 也在Twitter上放出了黑色版Galaxy S10和Galaxy S10+的真机谍照,不过照片上展示的仍然是两款手机的背...

This morning, IT Home reported that the cheapest model of Samsung's S10 series, the new S10E fingerprint recognition module, was exposed. In fact, today's Galaxy & nbsp, S10 and S10E have more rendering maps and spy photos. There are overall features, so you can see them at once. First, the explosive God @evleaks released the "pearl white" Galaxy & nbsp; the S10 real-time spy photo shows the close-up of the camera on the back of the fuselage, and the design of the rear three cameras looks very eye-catching. In addition, another explosive God @SlashLeaks  also released black Galaxy  S10 and Galaxy  S10 + spy photos on Twitter, but the photos still show the backs of two mobile phones.

标签: 三星