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途牛大战旅行社 携程、同程“神补刀”

Way cattle travel agency Ctrip, with the way the war "God make knives"

2015-04-25 05:17:56来源: 新浪

新京报讯 (记者赵嘉妮)4月23日,众信旅游等17家旅行社发布声明,因存在分歧,不再向途牛供货。就在4月23日晚间和昨日,拥有途牛股份的携程和途牛的老对手同程旅游,先后宣布与上述旅行社开展“全面合作”,上演了一场横刀夺“友”的戏码。 途牛、众信“从相爱到相杀” 4月23日中午,众...

Beijing News (reporter Zhao Jiani) in April 23rd 17, UTS tourism travel agency issued a statement, because of the existence of differences, not to the way cattle suppliers. In the evening of April 23rd and yesterday, the way cattle Ctrip way cattle owned shares and old rivals with the way tourism, has announced the "travel agencies to carry out comprehensive cooperation, staged a" smarter "friends" drama. Way cattle, the letter "from love to kill" at noon on April 23rd, the...