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坚果Pro 2好评如潮,背后的TA功不可没

Nuts Pro 2 high praise, the TA behind

2017-11-23 17:59:38来源: DoNews


Mobile phone manufacturers in the release, often to a deliberate configuration "rendering", as if can't sell mobile phones, but save to a computer in the town of compatibles, focus on the development of and OS few new features of mobile phone manufacturers, to say the OS the excellence, is extremely difficult, if the domestic mobile phone manufacturer from the start extremely pay attention to the user experience of OS, will each system into high-quality goods, also have no apple belief, worship of iOS, you will be for those who buy a every year looks almost the same phone. No iOS, people might not think symbian how bad, what won't think symbian has stuck in the past, in fact symbian to death before and never give up on their own change, but revolution came too suddenly, again lose user base case to prove his talk easy; I often hear friends boasts about how to use the iOS, others table...