新关注 > 信息聚合 > 瞄准“懒同学”:海尔尝鲜校园洗衣O2O


Aimed at the "lazy students: Haier washing of campus early adopters O2O

2015-10-08 16:42:27来源: 亿邦动力网


10 month 8 days, recently Haier washing app debut Qingdao Innovation Conference, the app based on LBS positioning system to provide high-quality, standard cleaning service for college students. According to billion state power network to understand, at present Haier washing app has in Beijing and Shanghai, the total delivery more than 400 commercial washing machine, more than 50000 students provide intelligent laundry service. It is reported that the pilot of the college students can search and filter out the most recent APP washing machine, and the use of a mobile phone to make an appointment, and the use of mobile payment functions to complete the payment. After washing the clothes, the system will send text messages to the user's mobile phone, to remind the back of clothing; if the washing process of washing machine failure, the system will send text messages to the user's mobile phone to remind. Haier CEO Shen Xinyu said that the innovation is the creation of the Internet of things and mobile Internet APP. Its strength lies in the use of O...